Every generation will have their own conspriacy theories, in the 50's it was Elvis, in the 60's it was Bruce Lee, the 70's it was Jimi Hendrix & Jim Morrison & in the 90's it was Tupac & Kurt Cobain. There will always be people who are smoking to much weed with alot of time on their hands. Others are just nutcases like Hugo Chavez saying the U.S. were behind the killing of the dinosaurs or the C.I.A. behind the earthquake in Haiti or clerics in Iran that hot women there are the cause of earthquakes. Anyways anyone in the free world has the freedom to be stupid by their own choice.
Whatever happened to "Factual Theories"?
An Al Qaeda representative says that claims that the U.S. government was behind the attacks on Sept. 11th are demeaning to Al Qaeda.
Lady on the phone: umm is this a prank call?
Poor guy: N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-o
Poor guy: N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-o
Opposites attract here with these two jawdropping talents. If they stood on a busy corner with a hat, how much coins do you think they'd earn?
The world of White Rastas

During the course of a white person’s education they will go through many phases including but not limited to: “awkward,” “classic rock,” and “being really into a foreign country.” Of these phases, there is only one that all white people are required to go through before they can obtain their bachelor’s degree. It is known as “Bob Marley.”
Depending on the coolness of the white person, they can experience this stage anywhere between the sixth grade and their last year of college. Regardless of when they went through this phase, every white person can tell you about the time when they had Legend on repeat. If you wish to test this theory, go to any floor in a College Dorm and there is a 100% chance you will find at least one Bob Marley poster.
It is also worth noting that white people tend get into smoking marijuana during this phase. This is why most white people view the combination of the two as one of the most pleasurable experiences on earth. But when they really want to take it to the next level they will combine Bob Marley, Marijuana, a long weekend and some sort of notable outdoor location (beach, cottage, or patio). There are few activities on earth that are more appealing to them.
Since so many people are into Bob Marley, it is only natural for advanced white people to profess to only marginally liking Bob Marley (note: it is almost impossible for a white person to outright dislike him). Instead, these white people will claim to preferring more obscure artists like Burning Spear or Peter Tosh.
But be warned that a white person saying they like “reggae” what they really mean is “reggae from 1965-1983.”
Under no circumstances should you ever bring a white person to a dancehall music event or club, it will frighten the shit out of them.
Note: if you are talking to a white person who is really into Bob Marley, has dreadlocks, and professes to be a Rastafarian, you should end the conversation right away. These people are of no value unless you need directions to a G20 protest
Well it seems that most of us have a hard time losing weight 50 here has done it swiftly except while looking like a cancer patient but according to ThisIs50.com he dropped from 214 pounds to 160 over the course of just nine weeks with a 'liquid diet and working out three hours a day'... man he should have said he was on a diet of that vitamin water line of his Formula 50, that would have generated some income especially considering how rappers, 50 included, have pushed the promotion of all sorts of products..
he would have pulled an Oprah better than Oprah!
To some of us That would have been funnier than "Roca-pads"!... peep the vid
Chappelle Show And RocaPads
Powered by: Really Funny Clips
he would have pulled an Oprah better than Oprah!
To some of us That would have been funnier than "Roca-pads"!... peep the vid
Chappelle Show And RocaPads
Powered by: Really Funny Clips

2 year old baby smokes cigarettes
Obviously adults must have been up to something... this is pretty much child abuse if you think about it..
This post definitely gets "egg"... rotten ones at that
This post definitely gets "egg"... rotten ones at that

umm how do you speak "European"
on a brighter note it's good to see that some sleezy semi obnoxious helplessly douche bag celeb didn't make the list.
Something cool to me would be a name change... not LL Cool Dre necessarily but something more unique kinda like that elementary kids would find strange but adults totally awesome
Newcomer Janelle Monáe totally kills it on letterman.. like wow!
Sounds like: amy whinehouse electrified with ants in the pants...
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