1) Lady Gaga quasimodo (the hunchback of norte dame? lol... ooops) 2) President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (& his lil brother Hugo Chavez) 3) Edward Cullen (Twilight)
Juan Camilo Escobar
I dont get it. Obama and Chavez are both wearing black suits with white dress shirt and a red tie so how is one the best dressed and the other the worst dressed?
hahaa... i know.. Chavez wasn't going to make the list but he should be number 1 forever... I only meant to put the president of Iran but i figuered i could kill two birds with the same stone with that pic
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I dont get it.
Obama and Chavez are both wearing black suits with white dress shirt and a red tie so how is one the best dressed and the other the worst dressed?
hahaa... i know..
Chavez wasn't going to make the list but he should be number 1 forever... I only meant to put the president of Iran but i figuered i could kill two birds with the same stone with that pic
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