
Conspiracy Theories?

Every generation will have their own conspriacy theories, in the 50's it was Elvis, in the 60's it was Bruce Lee, the 70's it was Jimi Hendrix & Jim Morrison & in the 90's it was Tupac & Kurt Cobain. There will always be people who are smoking to much weed with alot of time on their hands. Others are just nutcases like Hugo Chavez saying the U.S. were behind the killing of the dinosaurs or the C.I.A. behind the earthquake in Haiti or clerics in Iran that hot women there are the cause of earthquakes. Anyways anyone in the free world has the freedom to be stupid by their own choice.
Whatever happened to "Factual Theories"?

An Al Qaeda representative says that claims that the U.S. government was behind the attacks on Sept. 11th are demeaning to Al Qaeda.

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